This website is provided for your information only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Nothing transmitted from this website constitutes the establishment of an attorney-client relationship between you and this lawyer. Please remember that most of the information contained herein relates to Texas law and some federal law.
The materials at this site are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be legal advice. Do not rely upon these materials only. First, seek the advice of an attorney about your particular situation and facts after gaining some knowledge remember, a little knowledge can be dangerous.
Weston G. Cotten, Attorney at Law does not guarantee the accuracy of any information available through this site, or any links to, or from this site, or any answers that might be posted to this site. Most answers are of a very general nature and don't cover all situations. Nothing contained in this website constitutes a recommendation of any product, service, or website. Any links are provided as a matter of convenience to the public.
Remember the transmissions on the Internet are not always confidential. You are transmitting this information at your own risk. Please remember that no attorney-client relationship is established until I have reviewed the case, decided to accept the case, and then having entered into a written representation/retainer agreement.
Don't rely upon transmission of information or a request that I take a case to establish an attorney-client relationship. Nothing can replace a face-to-face meeting or telephone consultation with a real, live attorney about your particular case and discussion of your exact situation. Let this only be a starting point for your pursuit of knowledge.
We are a debt relief agency as defined by federal bankruptcy law, and we proudly assist our clients in filing for debt relief under the bankruptcy code. Weston G. Cotten, Attorney at Law is located in Highlands, TX.